Evansville Obedience Club

Where's my Download

When you click the link to download a document, whether it be a trial premium or entry form, or a class registration form, there are two possible actions that can occur. No matter which of the following options occur, the window and tab that you are viewing will remain open.

You can select whether the document will "open" or be "saved". If "save" is chosen the document will not open on its own but will be saved to the download folder, unless you have selected a different folder to save your downloads. This may cause you to think that the link doesn't work when it actually does.

If you are using an Apple device that does not support Word documents then the file will either not open, or it will open but the formatting may be off. That is why we prefer to use PDF formatted documents. If you don't have an Adobe PDF reader you can download a free one HERE.

If you have a PC and (in the unlikely event that you) don't have Word installed, you can download free software to open Word documents. You can find Open Office. Another option is Office Viewers

To find a saved document:

  • Using Firefox - Click HERE
  • Using Chrome - Click HERE
  • Using Internet Explorer - Click HERE
  • Using Safari - Click HERE
  • Using Opera - Click HERE

Once you find your saved document simply choose it (easiest way is to click with mouse). The you can open it by double clicking on the file, or you can right click on the file and that will open a contextual menu that will include the option to "open".

If you find a link that neither opens nor saves, please inform the Web Manager.


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Any link from Evansville Obedience Club to an external Web site does not imply or mean that Evansville Obedience Club endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content or the use of such Web site. Evansville Obedience Club does not give any representation regarding the quality, safety, suitability, or reliability of any external Web sites or any of the content or materials contained in them.