Your Information
If you are an EOC Member and want a Member page or if you have a page and want to update, please contact the executive committee. You can include any information about yourself and your dogs that you wish.
Most members incude:
- Dog's Call name
- Registered name
- Titles, Certifications, Achievements
- Photos
- Breed, including All-American
- Date of birth
You may include as many dogs as you own and as much information as you like. You can also include videos. Please ask the webmanager for specifics.
How to Send your Information
Please send images as files formatted to .jpg, .png or .tiff
You may send the printed information as a separate document or simply include it in the body of the email.
How to ZIP your information into one file
- Put all your information - images and documents, if any, into one file
- Press and hold (or right-click) the folder
- Select (or point to) Send to, and then
- Select Compressed (zipped) folder
A new zipped folder with the same name is created in the same location.
- Select your folder
- Right click on the folder
- Select Compress "(folder name)"
A new zipped folder with the same name is created in the same location.
Attach this zipped folder to your email with your member page request. If you have questions, please contact the web manager.